
When Do You Start Making Money With Slayer Osrs

When do you start making money off of slayer?

Kinda a low lever here and just trying to find out when you start making money off slayer? I'm level 31 slayer and 51 combat. I'm using the slayermaster in edgville as well should I tell him to asssign me task around my level or do the dangerous way?

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level 1

Kurasks at 70 slayer, gargoyles at 75. Those are pretty much the earliest points for any real money I think

Don't even bother with wyverns. More crowded than fucking Hong Kong at literally all times of day even in the task-only area.

Kurasks can be ranged off-task and it's pretty crowded when using the safespot but there are still times that it's empty and you can make pretty insane money there. same with gargoyles.

level 2

Wycerns are never crowded if you Have a task

level 2

I've always been able to find room in the task-only area. The range safe spot usually has someone but I've never had issues when using melee.

level 1

You can try doing wildy slayer. If you get lucky with emblems it can be a nice way to train the early slayer levels and make some money.

level 1

Yes the emblems can be sold for gp on the grand exchange I sold one today for 140k. 40 range will work it will be slow. Use the best gear you can like green d hides and or snakeskin. If you have black demon task you will be there forever with 40 range but should work for most things lvl 100 or below fairly effectively. I would only melee ice warriors earth warriors and lower leveled things like that.

level 1

Once you unlock Spectres (60 slayer), you can make okay money, like 200K-300K an hour? But then 65+ is decent money. Gargs are 75 and you can make around +400K/hour there. Wyverns are really good too, at level 72, you can make +400K-700K and hour there.

level 1

You could try your hand at wilderness slayer. I'm 69 combat but was safe spotting wilderness slayer monsters since I was 40 range. You get emblem drops from wilderness slayer and I sold one for 140k you get about one per task usually. Otherwise you won't be really making money until about 70 slayer.

level 2

Would you recommend melee? I'm trying to get my art up to 60

level 1

Most monsters would probably wreck you if you did melee for wilderness slayer, it would just be so much food and trips but you can try it. You can get assigned lots of high level monsters but mostly everything is safespottable. That's why I recommend ranging them otherwise wilderness slayer probably won't work at your level doing melee. By all means try it out but if you don't like your task you have to change it from the master in burthrope and that master gives some lame assignments. I didn't want to deal with all the lame assignments so I just do wilderness slayer. Not for everybody and if you get an emblem just immediately bank it because if you die with them you won't keep them even if it's your most expensive item.

level 2

Can you just sell the emblems for gp I think I have like 40 range is that enough what range gear shoul I use

When Do You Start Making Money With Slayer Osrs


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